
Showing posts from August, 2020


 Hello readers, Let me quickly give you a little background story so that you know where I come from and why I am writing this topic extremely important to me. I have always wanted a pet from a very young age. Not just a dog but any pet for that matter and I was never allowed to have one. The reason being ( which now strikes to me like a very obvious reason and a fair one). Had we gotten a pet back then my mother would've been involuntarily stuck to taking care of it because my brother and I were in school and if not that then busy with our homework which would've left us with no time to take care of the animal and I am a person with a weak gag reflex and I would've ended up puking most of the time if the pet even pooped in front of me.  (I'll be honest Not much has changed in that department) Although a lot has changed over the course of time. I had friends who had dogs at the time so that let me have some time with them, understanding that having a pet is a huge respo


We posted a new video yesterday. For people who are unaware of my video channel where I post videos with my partner, Kaustubh then let me tell you all about it. Well for starter we have a youtube channel that was originally called Logically artistique. The reason behind this name was that kaustubh is a more logical person given that he is a maths teacher and I am inclined towards the field of art and thus artistique in nature. Artistic would've been a more appropriate way to spell it but to hell with conformity, right! Almost a year ago we went on a series of trips post our wedding, and the fact that we are a couple of months away from embarking on the biggest journey of our life together ( more on this journey a little later) got us thinking that it'll be a great idea to shoot the journey and document it and post it on youtube for fun sakes.  It is a known fact that you can monetize your content on youtube. Imagine filming something for fun and earn off of it? Isn't


MY GOALS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST. I know I know this was supposed to go on the first of this month but hey let's not judge each other, okay? If you are new to my blog then hi my name is Rasika and this is where I write about things that are important to me. You can however send me suggestions of topics you'd like to read about and I shall do my best to give that topic justice in my blog.  At the beginning of this year, kaustubh and I both sat together and made our vision board. Now for people who do not know what vision board is, it is a board of our big goals that we want to achieve in that year. You make a visual board out of all your goals of the year and print it out. Put it in a place where you see it day in and day out. Seeing it regularly helps you visualize them and work towards them.  here is a photo of our vision board. There are two types of goals the big one and the small ones that help you reach your big goals. I have been unproductive for t