I know I know this was supposed to go on the first of this month but hey let's not judge each other, okay?

If you are new to my blog then hi my name is Rasika and this is where I write about things that are important to me. You can however send me suggestions of topics you'd like to read about and I shall do my best to give that topic justice in my blog. 

At the beginning of this year, kaustubh and I both sat together and made our vision board. Now for people who do not know what vision board is, it is a board of our big goals that we want to achieve in that year. You make a visual board out of all your goals of the year and print it out. Put it in a place where you see it day in and day out. Seeing it regularly helps you visualize them and work towards them. 
here is a photo of our vision board.

There are two types of goals the big one and the small ones that help you reach your big goals. I have been unproductive for the longest and it has got me to thinking that setting only big goals instead of tiny ones will only scare me into abandoning my goals altogether. 
Now given that we are amidst a global pandemic that has put us all in turmoil, it is okay if you do not have the strength to do anything or fail to do things you planned for yourself.  
So please take this blog as a motivation. We all are trying our best to get hold of ourselves in this period.

So here are my small goals for August. If you have set a goal then please let me know because I need inspiration too and if you are looking for some then I hope you get inspired by my list of small goals.
Let's start with the most basic and a no brainer.


It might seem like the most trivial one but to be honest we've all been so focused on been productive ( or trying to be in my case) that we have neglected our health ( mental, physical and emotional) 
So my goal for this month is to focus more on being good to myself and not be critical of everything I do or fail to do. 
I have never been a person who meditated or did anything to calm all the thoughts that are running in my head. I will try and meditate at least for 5 minutes every day and write and say positive affirmations out loud to myself.


To be honest, I have started walking/ running every morning but I need to start doing something better, something that will push my body to its limit and strengthen. It's the most ironic thing, isn't it!
You got to break it to make it stronger.
Anyway, so I am going to start a 2-week shred program by Chloe Ting ( if you do not know who Chloe ting is then you should definitely check this out, her exercise programs only requires you to have a yoga mat and a whole lot of will )

Will definitely talk about how it goes and my experience with a before and an after photo.


You will not believe the number of unread books I own and the number of books I want to buy even though I haven't finished the ones I have already.

Need I say really say more on the less screen time part?
I read this somewhere online while scrolling ( oh the irony!) that you should be mindful when you're on the internet surfing ( does anybody use this term anymore?)
Mindful of what kind of content you look for and who do you follow and not just follow random stuff but be intentional, use it for your own learning.
And it really did resonate with me on some level. So I want to put that into action as much as possible and try and let the dog videos slide by me without being caught in the never-ending spiral that is watching animal videos online!


If being lazy and procrastinating was a town, I'd be the head of that town. Do you see where I am going with this?
I have a head full of ideas that I intend to execute but always fail to because I am lazy and I tend to procrastinate a lot. (case in point this blog was supposed to be up on the 1st of this month)


Planning something to the T is my forte and I love it. I love the planning part of it. planning ideas to do a video a certain way and doing a blog a certain way, it's the execution part that always gets me down.
So this month I shall follow the plan and execute method even if I am not feeling particularly motivated or confident that day I shall do it!
I will not care about what will people think of me.
I will just do it!


If you guys follow me on Instagram (which you should its @rasiikaaa)
you'd know that for the past month or so I have been waking up awfully early for my own record!
But what you guys don't know is that I have been struggling with sleeping early.
So This girl right here who is writing this blog is going to work on changing that, yep you read that right!
I am going to try and sleep early.
(If you are struggling with this too then here is a small tip from me play rain sounds in the background.)

I am posting on the 5th so please do not judge, life got in my way anyway, this is a tiny start and hopefully I will continue to better myself.
If you are too on a journey to self-betterment then please comment down below what have you planned to do this month and what has been helping you with achieving your goals. I would love to know 


  1. The visualisation of goals thing with pictures is a good idea. I'd definitely try it out!
    Nice blog. ✋

  2. Try out things you set goal on and achieve success.My blessings are always with you.!


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