
Showing posts from June, 2020


Okay so here's the deal, I am new to the world of blogging (surprise surprise !!) so its taking me a while to understand how it works and how i am supposed to put my thoughts in a way that it reaches all of you lovely people. But i am enjoying every step of the way and hopefully you are being entertained by whatever little i write here.  I recently stumbled upon this "30 days blogging challenge" which is for all the newbie bloggers out there so i thought this is the best way to Segway into the world of blogging and learn how to put down my thoughts in a better, more articulate way and be consistent about it. I love this writing thing, don't get me wrong but my lazy ass will stall writing ( doing anything productive for that matter) as long as it can and i am trying to force myself to commit to doing something productive everyday. And it works perfectly because July is starting from tomorrow and it will be like a fresh start. New month, new me and all that jazz! 


From a mildly rebellious teenager turned adult to whom it may concern. If y ou are new here then Hi, my name is Rasika and i have recently decided to  dump all of my thought here for strangers to read.  I have a very unusual taste what can i say!  ( I am trying really hard to not put a "haha" or a laughing emoji after every time i crack a joke, so please comment down below and make all effort counts by sharing my blog) I am a bit obsessed with buying diaries with the hope that i shall one day write into it. But my reality is somehow always the opposite, i currently own a shit tone of diaries and to add a little more to that i have designed my own line of diaries ( go check out on my Instagram page @surfacepatternrighthere).  The point is no matter how much i try i end up buying diaries and never using them or using them half way through and wishing for a new one.     If my father is reading this blog he is probably rolling his eyes. I feel the reas


Hi, its been a while This is going to be very surprising for a lot of you. but yes this is something that I've been wanting to do for a very long time and apparently i did try blogging a while back, in 2013 to be precise but times have changed a lot  and back then i wanted to start a photo blog of sorts .The new me loves making videos if you didn't know it already, yes i do have a YouTube channel where i post videos with my better half. but don't worry i wont post any sort of video here, this place is where i will dump all my thought (the good, the bad and the ugly), i want this blog to be very raw, uncut, unedited and very unapologetic. People can misinterpret a lot of things you say or do so i will hand over that job to my readers that is if i get any. As much as i would love being in front of a camera it gets freaking hectic and sometimes i end up with no energy to smile in front of the camera for our lovely audience.  Anyway, this blog post was not to rant