Hi, its been a while

This is going to be very surprising for a lot of you. but yes this is something that I've been wanting to do for a very long time and apparently i did try blogging a while back, in 2013 to be precise but times have changed a lot  and back then i wanted to start a photo blog of sorts .The new me loves making videos if you didn't know it already, yes i do have a YouTube channel where i post videos with my better half. but don't worry i wont post any sort of video here, this place is where i will dump all my thought (the good, the bad and the ugly), i want this blog to be very raw, uncut, unedited and very unapologetic. People can misinterpret a lot of things you say or do so i will hand over that job to my readers that is if i get any. As much as i would love being in front of a camera it gets freaking hectic and sometimes i end up with no energy to smile in front of the camera for our lovely audience. 
Anyway, this blog post was not to rant about that but to update you guys on what has happened in the last 7 years since i posted for the first time.
Wonder if i should put it into a bullet format or just be brief and not bore you guys to death. 
Also its been a while since i have typed without my phone auto-correcting all my spellings so excuse my very poor spelling skills and I trust you guys (and all the internet trolls) to correct me.
sooo lets see in 2013 I was obsessed with photography and when i say obsessed i mean going out in the afternoon to shoot and editing the pictures hours on end just to post it on a Facebook page called "EPIC DRAMAS". Believe it or not i had a whooping 1000 followers on my page, it was a huge thing back then. In 2020 every Tom, dick and harry has a follower base of more than 1000 people and is a fashun influenzaa or if you are a food blogger then its more than 10k followers for showing what restaurant has the best white sauce pasta. Just kidding, i don't have anything against them.
Final year of my graduation rolled in and the campus interviews had begun i sat for one interview and i got into TCS, like all other fuckers in my college did apparently. I honestly haven't felt dumber in my life as i did after getting into TCS. It wasn't the best feeling but it ensured that i'll be getting paid an okay-ish amount and i could finally say "yes i earn now so i can do whatever i want to my parents", which BTW turns out, is something you cant say even when you start earning. A very hard lesson that i had to learn on my own. Worked at TCS for a span of 1.5 year. I met some really good people there who are now family to me now. aah the time at TCS really was the Best and the worst year of my life.

2016 was the year when i took the decision of saying fuck this i need to get out of this country and probably never come back and i did just the same. I studied for my IELTS and went to Australia to study. Life took a very weird turn and i decided to come back instead. That decision broke me and it was the same decision that i believe led me to where i am right now.
That brings me to 2018. wow i didn't know id be able to even write one simple line and now here I am, trying to sum up events worth 7 years into a tiny blog that you hopefully aren't bored of already. 
After coming back to India I spent 6 whole months crying and being a miserable person which now when i think in retrospect is a fair thing to do,you'll understand my pain if you've ever lived in Australia and have come back to never be able to go back again. Oh my god. it was worse than a breakup. 
Moving on after getting over that painful event I did what ever Girl/ guy did at that time I installed tinder and swiped my sorrow away. (pun intended)
I got married a year after.

May be i got married to my tinder match or may be i didn't that's a story for another time. May be i'll write a blog about my experience on tinder. Wouldn't that be an interesting thing to read about? 
I am already excited about writing my next post.
I am going to end this here and let you guys rest your eyes.
Hope you guys loved reading my blog, please do comment and let me know if you did
. and also say Hi if you have randomly stumble upon my blog. 


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