Okay so here's the deal, I am new to the world of blogging (surprise surprise !!) so its taking me a while to understand how it works and how i am supposed to put my thoughts in a way that it reaches all of you lovely people. But i am enjoying every step of the way and hopefully you are being entertained by whatever little i write here. 
I recently stumbled upon this "30 days blogging challenge" which is for all the newbie bloggers out there so i thought this is the best way to Segway into the world of blogging and learn how to put down my thoughts in a better, more articulate way and be consistent about it.
I love this writing thing, don't get me wrong but my lazy ass will stall writing ( doing anything productive for that matter) as long as it can and i am trying to force myself to commit to doing something productive everyday. And it works perfectly because July is starting from tomorrow and it will be like a fresh start. New month, new me and all that jazz! 
So yeah, I will be taking up that challenge this month and hopefully complete it. 
You can follow me  through this journey and see where it takes me. 
This challenge has been something that i was and still am (a lil bit) scared of because its a huge commitment and it will take a bit of consistency and discipline, which i have clearly been lacking for a while now.
I am sure you all have been in the same place too and probably are stuck there just like i am. and if there is something that you'd like to start and need help with a little motivation then comment down below and let's do this together. 
let's push each other to start this journey of becoming the better version of ourselves.
It's going to be freaking tough but we have to start somewhere. right?
And may be this blog is a sign for you to start whatever you've been meaning to do for a while but never had the motivation (and someone to share your anxiety of starting something new from scratch) to go through with it.
Let me tell you this is the universe telling you, no erase that begging you to begin again.
So get off your ass, sit up straight right now, do it! and say I ( your name) am going to (whatever you want to do) and i wont let my lazy ass come in my way of achieving this goal that i have set for myself. I will set tiny tasks for each day and make sure i complete it by the end of the day.
and If I ever fail to do so i will not (whatever you're obsessed with at the moment for ex. having your daily cup of coffee) do that and will only do it as a reward when i complete my daily task.
Let me know what is it that you're planning to start and what is it that you will reward yourself with for completing the task in the comments below.
Hope you do whatever you set out to do. 
let this new month be the month we learn/do/achieve whatever we put our heart into. 
see you guys soon on my next blog.
Hope you're doing great and are safe where ever you are right now.
Also here's a photo of my dog Wrin for some morale support 


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