Hello, fellow humans.

This blog is solely dedicated to My lovely Mother-in-law. To be honest when i met her for the first time i wasn't sure she'd end up becoming my MIL.
As a young girl you hear about all these horrible stories and experiences of people of their MIL. So you naturally hope and pray to the god of mother-in-laws to give you the best kind. 
My MIL is the chillest human being on this planet Earth, much like my mother she does not take too much pressure of things and is a very forgiving person. 
People tell you that a mother-in-law is just like a mother but I always felt like it's something what people say just for the sake of saying it. And it's only when i moved to my new home did i realize that it's not just a meaningless statement.
Initially I tried to befriend her, almost by trying to force myself onto her because i thought talking to her over text messages would make her comfortable but what i didn't consider was that she is a very very veryyyyy shy person. kaustubh did not hand me the memo! 
But anyway, we started on a rough patch where i tried to text and make a conversation and she opened my texts and never replied to them on time and i quickly learned that she isn't a very tech savvy person.
How silly to expect a person to have the same mode of communications just as yours. 
We eventually spent more time together going for all the wedding shopping. It did not bring us very close but closer than what we were before, which was a huge accomplishment in itself. 
As time passed I learned what a beautiful heart she has and how much she cares about everyone around her, the ones who are related by blood and even the ones who aren't.
I was born and raised in a family of 4 people ( my parents, my brother and me) sometimes my grandparents would visit but in my new home even the smallest of thing is celebrated in the most extravagant way, don't get me wrong we don't spend a lot of money on unnecessary things like expensive gifts or throwing big parties but whatever small thing we do we invite everyone to enjoy it with us, which was a big surprise for me. 
Even a cup of coffee in the mornings would turn into a group discussion over random things which would last for hours on end and we'd still not get bored of talking to each other.
She taught me to see good in people even when its the hardest thing to do. To see beyond their flaws and be nice to them. I guess all mothers are wired that way. 
My mother would always tell me that i will have to do whatever my new mother asks me do even if it's something i don't believe in but little did she know that my mother-in-law would be just as open minded as I am. 
As a person who has never prayed to any god in particular I felt it would be very difficult for me to adjust in this new environment but my MIL very graciously taught me everything without getting irritated when i asked the same thing over and over. 
It is through her that i learned that if you touch something and say "म म " the thing automatically becomes yours. clothes, gifts, money you name it and it is yours if you say the magic letters.
I always forget the full form of that but i know when it should be done so its okay. :D
She has brought together so many families and held them in the strongest bond which she refuses to let go and that is something worth learning from her. 
She does every thing her own unique way. She is in her 50's and she exercises more than Kaustubh and I do.
She is always ready to learn new things and gets excited more than us when we try to bake something new and is forever ready to teach. She has an eye for all things beautiful which might I say explains why she likes me so much. just kidding :D
She has a beautiful collection of sarees that i have already "ममed" So future sister-in-law, if you're reading this then better watch out they're all mine but i'll be happy to share it with you. :)

What i am trying to say is I got lucky. But if you are a girl who is scared of how things will turn out after you're married just know that the bond you share with your MIL or anyone for that matter is not something that can be rushed into but to be nurtured and worked on. 
Building a strong bond takes time and effort. Learning the other person's love language helps a lot.
One doesn't have to be an expert in expressing love openly by saying it in so many words but someone whose gesture can prove that they do and isn't that such a special way to say it, no? 

Hope you're all doing good,
take care. :)

Your can find me on Instagram @rasiikaaa


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