Hello again!

It's been a while since I posted anything here. Kaustubh and I are currently occupied with things that I can't really talk about right now. So please stay tuned. because it's going to be one hell of a surprise for everyone who knows us and for people who follow us. 

Last month was all about clay for me. I learned how to make clay creations and quickly realized that there are so many things that can be created using clay. I obsessively followed a lot of clay related accounts on Instagram and subscribed channels on youtube as one does. And to this day I binge watch their videos. It is so fascinating to watch how a blob of clay can be molded into so many different things. 

Anyway, moving on to the main topic of today's blog. Since the day I saw wrin, I've wanted to see what wrin must've looked like as a tiny puppy. I had my plans of mating him with another dog for my selfish reason. But little did I know that our future plan (the plan I can't talk about) would not allow this to happen. Long story short, kaustubh and I as dog parents had to take a very difficult decision of getting him spayed. For people who do not know what that means let me explain, spaying/neutering/sterilization/castration is a surgical procedure where your dog's reproductive organ is removed. So that he not reproduce anymore. It is a very minor surgery and takes only about 30-40 minutes. 

We did our own research on how it affects wrin and his behavior and also talked to our very knowledgable vet Makarand Dixit (for people who are looking for one, here is his number 9766072987)

He guided us pretty nicely and answered all of my queries. Kaustubh has already seen how it goes and how the post-care is supposed to be taken but for me, as this was my first time seeing something like this happen to my first dog, it was nerve recking. His surgery date was fixed and we were told to not feed him anything for his lunch but give him a lot the night before.

On the day of the appointment, we had to take him to the clinic. The surgery started after giving him 3 injections. The first one was to normalize his breathing I think. The second one was to calm him down, it made him super drowsy. The second injection took 5-10 minutes to kick in, and the vet had asked us to take him for a walk while it does. During the walk, wrin puked and started walking funny that is how you know it's time to take him in for the real deal.

Post this he was given local anesthetics and the surgery started. I still remember how numb my limbs and how shaky my hands were the moment he got his injections. I was very scared. I am sure he must've been confused as to what is happening with him. And that made it even more difficult for me to him. 

So the vet asked us to wait outside, Kaustubh took this opportunity to take me on a drive to take my mind off of this thing. After about 30 minutes or so we were asked to come in. Got him wrapped him in a sheet and took him in the car. He was already wearing his cone of shame which is a mandate after such surgery. The cone is given so that the dog can not touch his wound. Looks pretty funny.

The vet told us that while the surgery was going on they found a huge blood clot near his stomach that could potentially turn into a tumor and be the reason for his death. And the decision of getting him neutered saved his life because they found the clot. So the decision of getting him neutered quite literally saved his life.

The first couple of hours post the surgery was the most difficult for the entire family because we weren't used to seeing him in that state. He was coming out of his drowsiness and he was in pain. I could feel it because on our car ride back home his body kept twitching. 

We let him rest for the rest of the day but he was so uneasy. He couldn't sit still and kept getting up to find a comfortable position. And he kept bumping onto the furniture because he wasn't used to the cone.

A lot of pain meds were given for him and we fed him that using the trick of mixing them with his food. Now, this trick doesn't work for all dogs because I'm sure not all dogs are dumb like our dog. Wrin loves his food and it doesn't matter what we mix in it as long as he is getting plenty of it. 

We tricked him for three days in a row and he ate like he was famished for ages. 

We thought the recovery period will take at least 5-6 days for him to get back to his normal energetic self. but to our surprise, he was back to normal in one day and he was back to irritating us for food and walks and running behind us wherever we go. Although he still is supposed to wear the cone (crown) of shame.

Kaustubh told me stories of dogs who weren't very cooperative with the cone and tore it open or never let their parents put it on them but wrin has been such a good boy. We were lucky in that compartment. He very graciously wears it and carries. He sometimes scratches on it thinking he is scratching his neck. but that's alright I think. The funniest thing is watching him bump into things because of it. 

Knowing that the surgery was for his better wife made it a little easier for me to go through it. But it still hurts knowing that he was in pain for some time because of the decision we took, His distress made us all very uncomfortable. Kaustubh's parents hate him being stuck in the cone because he bumps into things a lot and looks miserable and funny but it is what it is and he has to be in it for his own speedy recovery. 

So yeah, I am a little less scared now. I know spaying your dog is for their own good. There are a tonne of blogs where they talk about the pros and cons of doing it. Some put more weight on the pro and some on the cons. So please if you are someone who is in the middle of taking this decision then make sure you consult your vet first. The Internet can be a very misleading place. Do your research and ask as many questions as you want to your vet.

Kaustubh and I took a decision of shooting a vlog of the day he got neutered. So that we can always go back and watch it. 

here is the link to that video.


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