So here's the thing I know, this blog is not going to be relevant in a couple of years, to be honest, this blog won't be relevant in a couple of weeks or so, which should be a point strong enough to prove that I write for my own amusement. JK. I write so that I can keep track of my own shortcomings, Jk again. I write so that if I ever were to develop Alzheimer's this blog will serve as a reminder of the life I have lived and with that, I shall stop messing around and come to the main point. This blog is for anyone who is going to travel soon or is feeling anxious about traveling internationally or even nationally for that matter. Here, I write about my own experience of traveling to the UK from India and how to travel safely. 

The rules I mention here are of the time period I was traveling so I suggest if you are looking to learn about the current rules then you should check out the official website of the country you plan to travel to. 

I knew I had to travel sometime soon in 2021 because my husband is in the UK. Things were a lot crazier and also better at the same time when my husband traveled back in October 2020. They were crazier because the numbers of covid patients were still on the rise and better because he didn't have to do any covid test before traveling. Traveling to countries on a tourist visa was and is to this day not allowed given the current circumstance but My family lives ( husband) in the UK I am therefore allowed to travel to see him. I have a UK visitor visa ( you may wonder why I do not hold a dependent visa and your question is very valid so I shall write another blog on that altogether) as of now and for that, I had to provide my husband's uni and residential information, why he is there and for how long and sell my soul to the devil. jk. I hope by now we understand each other well enough to crack lame jokes and no one will get offended in the process. right? good to know we're on the same page! (pun intended)

Anyway, after all the visa application fiasco I had to book my tickets and that in itself was a very very expensive task, it hurts even now when I think about how much my in-laws had to pay for my ticket to the UK. bless their soul for supporting us through our low period. And doing it with a smile on their face, no less. Beyond blessed to have such a supporting family. But it stressed me, my husband nonetheless. Back when flights to the UK had resumed the rules stated that people traveling to the UK had to provide a covid negative test taken no less than 72 hours before the flight date and fill a locator form online and update the UK government of the place you shall be quarantined at for 10 days. Doing a covid test post reaching the UK was optional then and from what I hear they are compulsory now, again please go check the website for real-time updates.

On the day of my flight, I was supposed to report much earlier than usual. and to my surprise, I have never, in my short experience of traveling via Mumbai, have seen the Mumbai T2 terminal this deserted. Before boarding the flight I was asked to show my test results and asked if I have filled my locator form. Both were either to be shown on paper or PDF file. but I think Everyone had their negative test results on paper. To my recollection, everyone had all of their documents with them but I don't think all of your documents are necessary just your passport, negative test report, the ticket should do but to each his own. If you feel comfortable carrying a huge bundle of documents then go for it. For your information, I had my adhar card, passport, and a copy of my ticket, covid test report in hand, and my locator form on my phone. 

Now in the flight People who had the middle seat allocated were given a PPE kit to wear and others were provided with the regular kit of a face mask, face shield, and a bunch of sanitizer packets. The airline I was flying with forgot to give me my PPE kit so I demanded one. so if you see that they have forgotten you then don't hesitate to come forward and ask for one. Every passenger was strictly supposed to wear the mask the entire flight, only to be taken down while eating the meal provided by the airline. Sadly airlines do not provide the in-flight quilt kit that they provided earlier, they just give you a pillow unless of course if you're traveling business then you get a 3-course meal and breakfast and everything you've ever asked for in your life. 

If you've traveled internationally before then you know how uncomfortable sleeping on a plane is, now add the current situation in the equation and imagine being uncomfortable and also anxious at the same time. That is exactly what it felt like although wearing a mask and shield throughout was not a big deal so, you might want to consider following that one tiny rule throughout your journey if you want to be safe. Eating felt a tiny bit unsafe and uncomfortable because I had to remove my mask but I tried my best to avoid eating a lot and saved the snacks for when everyone was done eating. let's just say I ate enough to survive the journey. 

Upon arrival, I had to repeat the process of showing the ground staff all of my details, the test report, and the guy who I had to deal with at the immigration wasn't particularly fond of the fact that i traveled so far in the middle of a pandemic to meet my husband by telling me that he hasn't seen his mum even though she lives like an hour-long drive from his place. (I get it everyone has problems in their lives. But he didn't have to be so rude.) The rest of the ground staff was more than welcoming and everyone had their masks on, even the rude immigration officer. 

The bottom line is the only thing you need to remember is to not remove the mask you are wearing at any point in time unless an officer is asking you to show your face, then you do as they say. Always have all the important documents handy on paper and on your phone. The airline industry is doing everything to make the journey safe for us but it'll mean nothing if you do not support them by following the rules. All the staff on the flight had the PPE kit, gloves, face mask, and face shield on strictly at all times. 

After reaching the UK I was asked to quarantine for 10 days and if I wanted to get out of the quarantine before that I had to schedule a test and book that before arriving online. I opted to stay in quarantine for 10 days. 

This was my experience of traveling internationally in the middle of a pandemic. Hope it helps you.

I hope it makes you feel a little less anxious about traveling and taking that flight. 


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