I have over the past decade or so used a lot of homemade remedies,  products ranging from the most natural ones, and the ones which are unapologetically filled with chemicals that are neither good for your skin nor for the planet.
I have been experimenting a lot but for the longest time, I have been an advocate of "You are what you eat" philosophy and I stand by it.
The meaning of "You are what you eat" is pretty simple but I will explain it nonetheless for people who are unaware of it. Your body however it is at this very instance is a result of what you have been feeding it for years.( Feeding it mentally, physically, and emotionally. )
If you feed negative things the end product won't be a rainbow it will be a negative thought and it shows on your face, it shows on your body in forms of acne due to stress and on your body with either excess fat or lack of it. Now there is a lot of science that goes behind all this and I am not qualified to talk about it but I am qualified to tell you that you have to find your own method of dealing with whatever crisis you have in your life. Finding a balance and learn how to tackle mental, physical, and emotional issues and not cling on to it. I digress a lot but let us get to the skincare part of this blog, shall we?
So Even after using a lot of different products I have always stuck with the products that I will be talking about right now. I love them to death and although I can live without them if I had too but I'd rather not. 

My skincare routine is pretty basic and I do it every single day in the morning and before hitting the bed at night.
The first thing that I do in the morning when I wake up is not to wash my face with a face wash but with plain water.
The logic behind this is that our face has natural oils so washing face with a face wash first thing in the morning will make no sense and instead it'll only strip away the natural oils and leave our face dry. 
Which we do not want. ( FYI the more you wash your face the drier it'll get and the more products you'll require to moisturize it).
When I go running in the morning I use my sunscreen, I have recently started using this sunscreen for my face and neck area and this by far is my most favorite sunscreen I have ever used.

If you sweat like a pig just like kaustubh and I do then this is it, my friend! I am not even exaggerating. Kaustubh sweats more than I do and he loved it. The product is a little bit expensive but it is definitely worth it. 10/10 would recommend if you are a sweaty person with oily skin.

here is the link:

I am a very frugal person and I use this only on my neck and face area. C'mon did you really expect I will use this expensive sunscreen all over my body!

This is the sunscreen I use for my body. It is equally good, the formula is on a runny side but I love it just as much. It acts as a moisturizer + sunscreen for me. 

I use both of these sunscreens whenever I have to step out of the house. 
As should everyone without fail. 

Biotique has become that one product that I can use without thinking twice. I use their soaps, shampoos, and face wash too! But I love their sunscreens the most. 

here is the link:

Guys if you don't use a good sunscreen and use a ton of skincare products it literally will make no difference. You need that SPF, all day every day if you step out. Think of it as an investment. The more consistently you use sunscreen the more benefits you'll reap in the future. 

So getting back to the main topic 
After I come back from my morning run I wash my face with Cetaphil.

The most gentle cleanser out there, It hasn't caused me any irritation neither does it dry out my face. 

here is the link:

I use a cream by Cetaphil as well but it is not something I do regularly but if you'd like to check it out then here is the link

The texture of this cream is very similar to the La shield sunscreen I use.

If you're looking for a day cream that won't result in excess oil formation on your face then this is it.
I exfoliate from time to time and I have had my phase where I used an apricot scrub. I scrubbed my face with it like there was no tomorrow. 
Which now that I am old and a little, very tiny bit wiser know that isn't the best thing to do to your skin. I have since shifted to a mind gentle exfoliator. And for once I don't hate using scrubs.
here is the one that I use

After all this fancy smancy stuff I use rose water. I use this one but to be honest anyone is fine just try and find a one that does not have a very strong smell to it. 
This is one of the rose water that have used and love. It's too expensive though and I personally won't repurchase it however good it may be. Paying 1000rs seems a bit too much to me. 

I am a true Maharashtrian, I use this empty bottle by refilling it with another rose water which is a lot cheaper than kama Ayurveda :D
But you can try their testers. They deliver tiny products I think you should check out their site but here is the link to the rose water. It is by far the most luxurious rose water I have used but I am too broke for this kind of luxury right now.

after rose water, I use my OG, My ride or die, the product that has been with me in my life more than kaustubh. 
The star of the show.

I love the other green one I use the yellow one when the green one is not available.
Patanjali to me is this product and that's the end of it. I don't like any other product of Patanjali. 
I had a phase where I was into his biscuits but then I quickly got over it too. But this product oh my god!
It is perfect. I have been using it for more than a decade now and it hasn't changed one bit. 

here is the link

I have for the past 2 years started using essential oils and Recently started using this one serum by Illana, It is a skin serum a mix of multiple oils that are specifically made for acne-prone skin. I shall talk about it in detail after I'm done with one bottle of it. But as of now, I can see tiny changes in my skin. It hasn't broken out for a very long time. 

You can get it here. 

On some days if I am feeling fancier than usual then I use face sheet masks. I don't have any specific one that I use, I just get a bunch of them from Nykaa and amazon.

This is my usual morning routine and I do the same thing at night as well the only product that I don't use at night is Sunscreen for obvious reasons. 

At night the only product I use more is Kailash Jeevan. 
It is a miracle product and I don't know how but it does a lot for the price we pay for it.

I slather this all over my face and leave it as is the entire night. It acts as a really leave-in mask.

This has been my skincare routine for a while now. 
There are going to be people who will say but Rasika you have a face full of acne how can you recommend stuff.
Well to that I say this is the skincare routine that has never once caused acne and It is something that I have been doing for a while now. 
Just because you see something does not mean you understand why it is the way it is. persistent acne is seldom because of an outside reason. 
I am slowly learning what causes acne for me and what does not. 
And I feel monitoring what you're putting into your body is the best kind of investment you can do.
and you should :)

If everything fails don't forget to chug that mug of water. 


  1. I like your blogs especially the subject matter and the way describes it.With a due respect to you,Pl try to write on some social subjects and think over it.My wishes are always with you.Recent work on skin care is Master stroke and awakening to those who really need it.Thanks for the blog and one more it is rather improving and do not leave the lead thread.
    Your loving Papa.

    1. Thank you so much. and yes I shall first educate myself well enough to be able to form an opinion on it and write about it. Thank you for your feedback :)


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