
Showing posts from 2020


Hello again! It's been a while since I posted anything here. Kaustubh and I are currently occupied with things that I can't really talk about right now. So please stay tuned. because it's going to be one hell of a surprise for everyone who knows us and for people who follow us.  Last month was all about clay for me. I learned how to make clay creations and quickly realized that there are so many things that can be created using clay. I obsessively followed a lot of clay related accounts on Instagram and subscribed channels on youtube as one does. And to this day I binge watch their videos. It is so fascinating to watch how a blob of clay can be molded into so many different things.  Anyway, moving on to the main topic of today's blog. Since the day I saw wrin, I've wanted to see what wrin must've looked like as a tiny puppy. I had my plans of mating him with another dog for my selfish reason. But little did I know that our future plan (the plan I can't talk


 Hello readers, Let me quickly give you a little background story so that you know where I come from and why I am writing this topic extremely important to me. I have always wanted a pet from a very young age. Not just a dog but any pet for that matter and I was never allowed to have one. The reason being ( which now strikes to me like a very obvious reason and a fair one). Had we gotten a pet back then my mother would've been involuntarily stuck to taking care of it because my brother and I were in school and if not that then busy with our homework which would've left us with no time to take care of the animal and I am a person with a weak gag reflex and I would've ended up puking most of the time if the pet even pooped in front of me.  (I'll be honest Not much has changed in that department) Although a lot has changed over the course of time. I had friends who had dogs at the time so that let me have some time with them, understanding that having a pet is a huge respo


We posted a new video yesterday. For people who are unaware of my video channel where I post videos with my partner, Kaustubh then let me tell you all about it. Well for starter we have a youtube channel that was originally called Logically artistique. The reason behind this name was that kaustubh is a more logical person given that he is a maths teacher and I am inclined towards the field of art and thus artistique in nature. Artistic would've been a more appropriate way to spell it but to hell with conformity, right! Almost a year ago we went on a series of trips post our wedding, and the fact that we are a couple of months away from embarking on the biggest journey of our life together ( more on this journey a little later) got us thinking that it'll be a great idea to shoot the journey and document it and post it on youtube for fun sakes.  It is a known fact that you can monetize your content on youtube. Imagine filming something for fun and earn off of it? Isn't


MY GOALS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST. I know I know this was supposed to go on the first of this month but hey let's not judge each other, okay? If you are new to my blog then hi my name is Rasika and this is where I write about things that are important to me. You can however send me suggestions of topics you'd like to read about and I shall do my best to give that topic justice in my blog.  At the beginning of this year, kaustubh and I both sat together and made our vision board. Now for people who do not know what vision board is, it is a board of our big goals that we want to achieve in that year. You make a visual board out of all your goals of the year and print it out. Put it in a place where you see it day in and day out. Seeing it regularly helps you visualize them and work towards them.  here is a photo of our vision board. There are two types of goals the big one and the small ones that help you reach your big goals. I have been unproductive for t


MY NO BULLSHIT SKINCARE ROUTINE. I have over the past decade or so used a lot of homemade remedies,  products ranging from the most natural ones, and the ones which are unapologetically filled with chemicals that are neither good for your skin nor for the planet. I have been experimenting a lot but for the longest time, I have been an advocate of " You are what you eat " philosophy and I stand by it. The meaning of " You are what you eat " is pretty simple but I will explain it nonetheless for people who are unaware of it. Your body however it is at this very instance is a result of what you have been feeding it for years.( Feeding it mentally, physically, and emotionally. ) If you feed negative things the end product won't be a rainbow it will be a negative thought and it shows on your face, it shows on your body in forms of acne due to stress and on your body with either excess fat or lack of it. Now there is a lot of science that goes behind all t


LIST OF MY FAV RESTAURANTS AND CAFE IN TOWN The way I judge any cafe/Restaurant is with how good their customer service is, hygiene, quality of food they serve, and the vibe. Now don't get me wrong, I am no food blogger nor do I aim to become one. God knows the world (Read: Nagpur) already has a lot of food bloggers. The places I am going to recommend are the cafes and restaurants in Nagpur where I have been going to since donkey years so I assume that qualifies me as a person who can recommend them to you guys :) so here goes nothing, Reddy's Gokul Vrindavan Kaustubh and I have frequented this place to a point that they know what our order is going to be so they have stopped giving us the menu altogether. A cheese masala with gun powder for me and a plain dosa for him and 1 cup of filter coffee with an empty cup. We both have this funny story of being able to get a table and our order quickly on a weekend. ( people who know this place know how freaking crowde


10 THINGS THAT ARE ON MY WISHLIST My birthday is nowhere near but here is a list of 10 things I've been eyeing for the longest time. I love watching wishlist videos and reading blogs where people talk about the things they wish to have in their life. So here is me putting it out in the universe. These are the things I'd like as a gift for my birthday this year. Also if the content of my list appeals to you too then feel free to add that to your list as well and thank me later. Don't worry I shall place the items in ascending order. here is my wish list.       1. Diaries/ Journals I am a huge huge HUGE fan of stationary. I can buy a bunch of diaries on a whim and never use them and still want more if I find a good design. I currently own 10 diaries out of which I have used 5 maybe. I am obsessed with  a level that I have designed some for myself and they were pretty good if I can say so myself. So here are the kind of diaries I like and would love to buy h


Hi, I am assuming you are either new to Nagpur or have been out of town for a very long time.  If humanity has finally gotten rid of coronavirus by coming up with a vaccine by the time you read this then congratulations to the both of us. If not then there's always coffee to make us feel all warm and nice from the inside and help us forget about this pandemic for the time being.  Let me tell you a little about me, trust me it is very important here. Throughout my life and even now I continue to try new places, cafes, restaurants, and then settling for one. That one place will have it all, the kind of ambiance I love, the vibe and the food and good service of course.  So I know what I am talking about and I will never ever recommend a place which is mediocre in my opinion. I hope you trust my word. For the larger part of my college years, Nagpur only had CCD's everywhere. And I wasn't a fan of it but it was the only option we had so you know you make do wi


Hello readers, If you're new here then let me introduce myself, My name is Rasika and I have recently started blogging in addition to documenting my life in forms of videos on youtube.  (  ) For the past couple of months a couple of years my daily routine has always been all over the place and by that I mean no routine whatsoever but it got worse with the lockdown being imposed and nowhere to go because of the worldwide pandemic that we are dealing with currently. So for the first time, I decided I shall act on this plan that I have been making for a year now. The idea of inculcating the habit of waking up early at 5 am.  To be honest I was skeptical about doing it. Because waking up at 5 am means essentially sleeping early the night before and let me tell you I am one of those people who have it difficult. Sleeping early at night is a task for us. Our usual nighttime routine used to be hit