My birthday is nowhere near but here is a list of 10 things I've been eyeing for the longest time.
I love watching wishlist videos and reading blogs where people talk about the things they wish to have in their life.
So here is me putting it out in the universe. These are the things I'd like as a gift for my birthday this year.
Also if the content of my list appeals to you too then feel free to add that to your list as well and thank me later.
Don't worry I shall place the items in ascending order.
here is my wish list. 

     1. Diaries/ Journals

I am a huge huge HUGE fan of stationary. I can buy a bunch of diaries on a whim and never use them and still want more if I find a good design.
I currently own 10 diaries out of which I have used 5 maybe.
I am obsessed with  a level that I have designed some for myself and they were pretty good if I can say so myself.
So here are the kind of diaries I like and would love to buy

I either get a very simple and minimalistic or with the quirkiest pattern there is no in-between.


     2. Diffusers

I am a sucker for essential oils and everything good they do to your body and mind. I have been using them for my skin and hair for over a couple of years now.
My all-time favorite is lavender oil and tea tree oil mainly because it has so many benefits for your skin and hair. And it helps you sleep well if applied right before you go to bed. Now I tried it but I feel the effect will last longer if I get a constant aroma of lavender oil which is sadly only possible if you use it in a diffuser. There are two types of diffusers.


This is one I have used but I would rather prefer an electric one which is the product that is on my wishlist.

but here is the link to the diffuser I have at the moment

and here is the link to the kind of  diffuser I want,

There are so many oils that you can use with a diffuser. The possibilities are endless and the result is Your beautiful self but a lot calmer and relaxed.
And isn't that a great deal!

        3. SCOBY

Now if you do not know what a SCOBY is and what it is used for then let me tell you a quick version.
SCOBY is actually an acronym for Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast.
which is used in making a probiotic beverage called kombucha.
I have never tasted it, never have I seen it in real life, My city is as good as a village so we don't have any place where they serve this which makes me want to have it even more.
But yeah so kombucha is a probiotic drink which is supposed to be excellent for your gut health, digestion, and all thing related to the same topic.
Now scoby comes into play in the fermentation process.
scoby is this small slimy looking thing that you have to put in your preferred drink of choice and the scoby will then help the drink ferment and the scoby also doubles up in the process. 
I have for many times considered ordering some kombucha online to do a taste test but then I'd rather buy the scoby and make my own ( there are a million videos on youtube on how to make your own kombucha)  instead of buying overpriced kombucha. 

you can now buy scoby online too

and here is the link to the actual product which is made using the scoby

I will buy the kombucha before investing in a scoby so if you'd like me to review kombucha then let me know in the comments below.

      4. Mason jar storage

I love cooking and I love it when my ingredients are stored in a very aesthetic looking jar.
Nothing like a sight of a mason jar filled with pasta, candies?
I would probably use it to store all of my pasta, brown sugar, baking stuff. 
you can store anything you like.
They're probably not the most affordable thing on the planet but they are good for the planet. You can buy mason jars instead of plastic.

so in addition to all the mason jar mugs and stuff you already have here is the mason jar storage that you didn't know you needed.

      5. Film camera

Remember the time when our father used to buy film rolls before every vacation and how we all used to get super excited to see how the pictures have turned out and wait for the film to be developed. 
We are used to our phone's camera so much now that we have forgotten the bliss of holding a printed photograph in our hands. 
I do have a Instax camera that gives instant polaroid photos but it still doesn't match the good old film cameras.
I recently found a one time use kodak camera that does exactly the same thing but I would prefer getting a functioning vintage film camera over a one-time-use camera.
but if you can't find a vintage film camera then here is the kodak film camera

    6. Oversized mirrors 

The internet does an excellent job of making you wish you had certain objects that you would otherwise never even think about. oversized mirrors are one of those objects.
nonetheless, I would still want one if I see one.
I have been following this talented lady who produces hand made home decor items and furniture
The brand she runs is called Parrot and Lily and they sell each product at a price that is more than what my kidney is worth. So naturally, I want it.
I dream of a house of my own where I can have multiple timeless pieces and a huge backyard where I can have a tiny kitchen garden and a front yard that will suffice for 5 dogs at a time. 
I am one hell of a dreamer. 
but here is the exact mirror I would love to have someday. 

And for the record, I would get all the products in her store if I could, she has the most beautiful pieces of furniture.

    7. Onitsuka Tiger Serrano

They are the best shoes. It's one of the oldest shoe brands. And this Japanese shoe brand is a parent of another shoe brand called ASICS. 
I already have a pair called Mexico 66. and I am in love with them. I want to buy a pair for kaustubh as well. Which is exactly why they're on my list. 
We have made a deal that I am going to gift him his first pair of Onitsuka.

here is the link to the exact shoe I have planned to get for him

   8. Dyson vacuum.

I literally have no explanation on why I want this but only 4 words

Dyson has redefined vacuum cleaners and how!
It's the Louis Vuitton of vacuum cleaners at the moment. 
and I want it so freaking badly. I'll be cleaning my house every hour of the day if I get my hands on this masterpiece. 
If you don't know what I am talking about then have you been living under a rock?
but here is the link

 you're welcome.

   9. Final cut pro 

I have been editing our videos for a year now and I have been using Filmora software.

you can watch our videos that i have edited using Filmora here

But it's time to shift to new software. and final cut pro is a very powerful software and cheaper than adobe. It's a "one-time pay" kind of an investment. 
It's only available for Apple products and I currently don't have one so maybe I should put a mac book in my wishlist too :D
but hey if you are a beginner and would like to learn then Filmora is the best entry-level video editing software in my opinion. You can take a trial run here

    10. A trip back to Switzerland.

 self-explanatory. You should go check the video I have posted on my Instagram account. Its our swiss trip vlog in snippets.
Instagram handle is @rasiikaaa

These were all the things that are on my wishlist as of now.
If they do get fulfilled I will let you know. 
Hope you had fun reading it. 
Let me know if you have anything similar in your wishlist in the comments below also don't forget to follow me on Instagram. 

take care. :)


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