Hello readers,
If you're new here then let me introduce myself, My name is Rasika and I have recently started blogging in addition to documenting my life in forms of videos on youtube. 

For the past couple of months a couple of years my daily routine has always been all over the place and by that I mean no routine whatsoever but it got worse with the lockdown being imposed and nowhere to go because of the worldwide pandemic that we are dealing with currently.
So for the first time, I decided I shall act on this plan that I have been making for a year now. The idea of inculcating the habit of waking up early at 5 am. 

To be honest I was skeptical about doing it. Because waking up at 5 am means essentially sleeping early the night before and let me tell you I am one of those people who have it difficult. Sleeping early at night is a task for us. Our usual nighttime routine used to be hit the bed at 11 pm watch some series till 12-1 am and then try sleeping but with the million thoughts and ideas that run in my mind it gets difficult to just slow down so when trying to sleep doesn't work I would end up opening up my phone which is a sure-shot way of staying up for another hour or so. And I'd end up sleeping at 2 am sometimes 3 am. I never said my nighttime routine was healthy so try not to judge so hard.

I am 27 years old and having a sleep schedule puts a lot of other bodily functions out of whack and that's exactly what happened. I gained quite a lot, you see I am a skinny person with a teeny tiny muffin top which is not really a flattering thing to have, and with that I also felt tired all the freaking time. I would sometimes work late at night editing videos and my head would hurt the next time. 
I started having this horrible acne problem which could've been avoided honestly. And I am learning that now.
I've been meaning to wake up early for a long time now but this time around i decided to put that into action and boy was that difficult!
So my husband and his friend had decided to wake up early to run for 21 days and i sneakily put forward a proposition of waking up at 5 am ( mostly because i wanted someone to join me in this quest of waking up early) to which they sportingly said yes. 

The first day of waking up early and stepping out to a beautifully lit sky and the fresh air. Got me thinking of everything that i have been missing out on.
The first day's walk lasted 2 hours because we walked around a new place which was very far but it was the best thing i could've done. Walking around for so long with so much quiet and calm really helped me see the reason why i would keep doing this every day. 

The days seemed long and they passed by slowly in a good way. We made sure to make good hearty breakfast for ourselves. Good breakfast with the time we spent walking made up for the things we'd achieve if we woke up at 5 am. There was a day in between somewhere where we could've easily given up on waking early but we had to shoot a video and go for our walk and that woke us up.

It then hit me that we need to have a set of goals. Goals are a list of things you'd like to achieve. We set small goals. for example, kaustubh and I both drink warm water drinks every morning after coming back home from a walk now we won't be able to do that if we don't wake up early. 
We make a good breakfast for ourselves and waking up late would mean that we won't have the time for fixing a good breakfast for ourselves.
In order to trick yourself into waking up early, you have to keep reminding yourself that you have something good in store for yourself if you wake up on time. For me, it was the morning sky, fresh air, breakfast.
For kaustubh it was the adrenaline of running every morning.

I learned the value of sleeping early, I do still have my days when i feel like watching one more episode of something but i know waking up would mean completing my tasks for the day early and doing more stuff that i would love to accomplish in a day.
Waking up early has given us the chance of spending some time with our parents. We all sit together every morning drinking our beverage of choice and talking.

If you are someone who wants to wake up early but doesn't have the motivation to do that then let me help you.
Here is the thing you need to sit and write. Make a list of things you'd like to achieve in a day and then count hours would waking up at 9 am give you enough time to do those certain things if not then i guess it's time to change things. Waking up is just the one hurdle that you have to go through to all the other amazing things you could do in your day. The sense of accomplishment it gives can give a good boost of confidence in taking on the day. Waking up early means being up when everyone else is sleeping. Oh how powerful that feeling is! and who wouldn't like to be on top of the world, right?
We have been feeling motivated to make videos. Be more active throughout the day. 
We have a long way to go to make this routine a habit.

I shall write another blog where I tell you guys things that have helped me sleep early.

but until then hope you all are doing great.
Take care :)

Find me on Instagram @rasiikaaa


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