Today I am going to tell you a story about how we got lucky.
All my life ( I wish this was an exaggerated statement but sadly it's not) I asked my parents for a pet dog.  My mother had a valid reason to not want one because she knew we wont clean after the dog and she'll be the one who would then have an additional chore. So they never got me one. ( i would like to add that they now have 3 cats)
It started a long while back when kaustubh got a dog. It was his first dog (zoro) and by all the stories i've heard from him and his parents, i learnt that zoro was the most intelligent dog they've ever seen. After zoro 3 more dogs were also adopted.
Kaustubh has a soft spot for dogs which works very well for me. 
I love all the three dogs they already had but they never felt like my own you know?
but that changed 7 months after we got married. We went on a family trip to Switzerland last year and when we got back kaustubh and his father started taking classes as per usual.
And on one such fine day when kaustubh was busy taking a class when he noticed this pup roaming around his class and he was in very weak and beaten up state. But he didn't go after him because he knew very well that if he tries to help him he won't be able to resist the idea of keeping the dog and given we already had 3 dogs at home it was next to impossible introducing a new dog to our dog family and the human family.
When he got back home from his class he told me about him and i felt like i missed out on seeing this dog he was describing to me as a breed he never saw before but it resembled like a Lhasa or terrier may be. 
The same day i was standing by the window minding my own business, sorting out all the Polaroids we took on our tour and I see this new dog standing on the road trying to save himself from our dogs, i ran and asked yash to go help that dog. Yash came back with the dog in his arms and placed him on the stairs and tried to keep the other dogs away from him.
We did what we thought was the right thing gave him a safe space to breathe, water and food.
He looked like he'd been through a lot. 
We posted photos of him everywhere on the internet asking everyone if they knew who he belonged to. 
We knew that we wont be able to let him go on the streets again like this he didn't look like a street dog, at best we assumed that he must've been lost. So we decided to keep him in our classroom until we found his family. 
The first time he saw kaustubh he just went sat next to him and demanded his hand on his head and when kaustubh refused to pet him , he forced him to pet him by pushing kaustubh's hand on his head.

Kaustubh decided to bathe him. He had so many dreadlocks all around his body, ticks, cuts and bruises. 
Oh how we were unaware of all the fights that were going to take place after we took him in.
We kept him in our classroom and he was happy to be there until he realized that if barked loud enough we'd let him inside our home.
 After multiple fights with the three dogs the youngest lady brownie accepted him and then did the eldest lady laali and to this day the eldest dog of our house bhurya hasn't accepted him as his family. 
I mean they haven't fought in a while but he barks every time he sees the new dog
For a month we kept him knowing that he was going to be sent to his family if they find us and then we settled to give him away to anyway who was ready to adopt him because the fights were getting out of control.
Oh did i mentioned we named him wrin. Well technically kaustubh named him and we just went with it. For people who keep asking why wrin, the reason is he looked like a wrin. 
After we took him to a vet we learned that he almost 5 years old had serious separation anxiety.
We quickly understood what he likes and what he didn't.
He used sit through the class with kaustubh and his father. He'd force everyone to pet him. 
We fell in love with him and so did all the students.
And one student even wanted to adopt him, so we decided to give wrin away. 
This was a first for me and i wasn't prepared at all so when the guy finally came to take wrin away i got very emotional and i cried like a baby. 
I bawled my eyes out when i saw the confused look on wrin's face when he jumped inside the car and didn't know what was happening with him.
The same night we got a call at 12 am from the student telling us that wrin is barking a lot and that we should probably come and take him. because wrin doesn't seem to like it there. So we drove as fast as we could at 12 am and  with a huge smile on both of our faces we got him back to our home promising him that this will never happen again. 
We don't know who abandoned him and who could such a thing but we know that he is our family now. He became a lot healthier. We could tell that he was happy around us.
We hit a tiny rough patch in between had planned to give him away again to a rehabilitation center. but we just couldn't.

If you want to know more about that you can check out our video here

We just couldn't abandon him. 

Wrin and I, we both were new in this family and house, it was a new environment and new family for us both So i almost felt like we were going through the same learning phase. 
We spent a lot of time together whenever kaustubh went out for meetings and to take his class. 
kaustubh's friend used to make a joke about how we're now fully prepared to take care of a child.
but it is true wrin is not just a dog anymore, after everything we've been through together. He is like a child to us. 
I am typing this while wrin is forcing me to pet him. so i will end this here. 
Through all the trauma and pain, he has finally come to a family who will never leave him alone ever again. 
We don't know what breed he is but we consider ourselves very lucky to have found him. He just walked into our life and chose us as his family and we will never know why he chose us but we will forever be grateful for it. 
There are still thousands of dogs fighting for a safe home. while people opt for a good "breed" i would like to urge you all to consider adopting one instead of buying one and i assure you they will turn your world around. 
A pet's companionship and their loyalty does not depend on what breed you get, So please i request you as a reader to consider giving a stray dog/cat to have the opportunity to show you how much they can give without asking for anything in return. 
And if you can not take care of a dog/cat at all then its better to not get one than getting one to only abandon them when it get difficult. 
Adopt, Don't shop. :)

Here is a link to an article how Netherlands became the first country to have no stray dogs.


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