Lately i've been watching a lot of "what i eat in day" and "My morning routine" videos on Youtube, My feed is full of amazing creators who shoot a day in their day in the most aesthetic manner possible. I on the other hand am very forgetful and even when i decide to shoot a vlog of my day I end up forgetting documenting the day and hence fail at the idea of a daily routine video.
So i thought to myself Rasika you know what you might be bad at shooting a vlog but you are good at writing it down and after a very unhealthy debate with myself i settled for this idea of writing my daily routine here.
May be someday i'll shoot a daily vlog or may be not but you guys can surely read about it here and get the gist of how my day looks like. ( not that any of you ever asked for it)
But here is my highly requested ( Not) daily routine.
I wake up at the crack of the dawn. Don't need no alarm my body tells me when to wake up and i comply.
Just kidding.
Unlike what the rest of the world follows i do not wake up early ever call it  the repercussions of working a night shift at TCS or sheer laziness because its been years since i left TCS and i still haven't fully learnt the art of waking up early.
I do always plan and intend to wake up early and putting efforts matter right? Right!
Its just the physical part of actually dragging my ass out of the bed that i am yet to accomplish.
Anyway, My day usually starts around 9 am and if I end up watching a movie the night before then i wake up at 10 am. (Sorry mom and dad and my new mom and dad i swear i will learn how to wake up early soon)
Also before i forget,part of the reason why i never wake up early is also because my husband refuses to wake me up.
I have recently been trying to make the bed before stepping out of the room. As soon as I am done with that i run to the kitchen to make my turmeric tea, sounds fancy but is not. It a cup of warm water with turmeric and a freshly squeezed juice of a whole lemon and some honey. Kaustubh takes his warm water with Apple cider Vinegar. If i am still not fully awake at this point then the smell of his apple cider vinegar does that job really well. eek!
We sit on the couch sipping on our drink while discussing about random things.
Some times about the weather, sometimes about what's happening in the world and most of the times gossiping. Love this time of the day.
We are currently on intermittent fasting so we try to drink water as much as possible. so post drinking our concoctions we move on to having our green tea.
We love Khawa green tea. If you're someone who does not enjoy consuming green tea (omg why!)
because of the earthy flavor of the green tea then do try khawa it has a very strong masala flavor that Indians love. And its a great beverage to consume in winters. My parents love love it!
so here is a link to the same if you'd like to give it a try :

After that refreshing cup of green tea with a side of our conversation we disperse to our daily chores, kaustubh gets ready to shoot his videos for his online math class and I either help my mother-in-law or head to my room to clean it and to start editing a video for our Youtube channel (Logically artistique.)
Our huge chunk of the day is spent doing our work.
I am working towards making this blog a somewhat entertaining place for you guys and editing videos for my personal channel (Rasiikaaa) as well. Haven't been doing much there hence this blog, I feel more confident writing than speaking in front of a camera alone as of now and i've been enjoying writing to be honest.
The most important part of my daily routine has been watering my plants, I have a huge monstera deliosa with 2 and a half leaf, a rubber plant, a fiddle leaf fig tree and a bunch of pothos.
If you don't know how to propogate pothos plants then here is the link of a video kaustubh and I shot a month ago where we show how to propogate them.

We eat lunch when kaustubh gets back. We have started this tradition when the lockdown started to have cold coffee around 3pm every day so when kaustubh and i are done with our daily task, kaustubh fixes a cup of cold coffee for me and a protein shake for himself.
It's been a long long while since we last worked out but we are trying to get that back into our daily routine as well. If we do manage to do that I shall update you guys (it might take some time) with that but for now we are planning to turn his old class room into a fully functional gym, which we are hoping will motivate us into working out.
Around 6 pm we take our dogs for a walk and let them do their business, while we marvel the nature and at how people do not follow any rule whatsoever. Its getting very frustrating to be honest.
How difficult is it to just put on a mask?
I know i am digressing from the topic of this blog but if you know someone who isn't wearing a mask and has a bunch of excuses for it then please give them some earful and just throw a mask at them may be they'll wear it then!
Anyway, getting back to my daily routine, we finish our dinner before 8 pm and feed our dog by 9 pm.
We try to be back to our room before 10 pm so that we can watch some series before hitting the bed.
We have a warm cup of green tea and call it a night. ( After i whine for some time because kaustubh never let's me watch more than 1 episode of any series at night!)
We try to stay home as much as possible and it is the need of the hour to stay home and stay safe.
We try to do something new everyday be it in the form of cooking/baking or watching a new movie or series.
There are exceptions to this daily routine, for example when its a rainy day we step out to have a cup of coffee

and go on a drive in the evening or when we have to be at my house so we drive to meet my parents or if we need to go grocery shopping because I randomly decide to bake something or make something special. Every day is never the same at the Gadkari's.
but there are certain things that we have inculcated in our daily life.
And we are trying to add more healthy habits in our life, one habit at a time.
I have not clicked good pictures and i shall make sure i do so for my next blog.
I do a better job at posting good pictures on Instagram so if you'd like you can follow me there @rasiikaaa on Instagram :)


  1. You are getting better and better with each blog. Keep up and love you
    Big Fan


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