Hello readers,
I am on day 6 of waking up at 5 am. I am going to be honest for the past couple of days kaustubh has been waking me up at 6 am. so it sucks that this blog doesn't really clear the criteria of being day 6 blog but hopefully you'll forgive me and let me call this blog "day 6 of waking up at 5 am."
But anyway, today was just as good as yesterday and we made it out of the house. We were so energetic today because We went to bed quite early last night. Who knew if you don't nap the entire day you'd be tired and end up feeling sleepy way earlier than usual! :D
I put on rain sounds on our google home and slept like a baby.
Today we met so many floofs that my day was bound to go happy and so it did.

The Golden retriever we met today, her name is Joey.

For breakfast today we were feeling a little extra so we whipped up a batch of  whole wheat pancakes and made strawberry compote ( is what i believe it's called) for the topping and scrambled eggs on toast.
Oh my, the pancakes were heavenly.

here is the recipe i followed for the pancakes

and as for the compote i used the frozen strawberries i had put them on a deep pan with some sugar and when they turned soft i mashed them with the help of a spoon and transferred that to a bowl and added some chia seeds.
and et voila! your fancy berry compote will be ready to go on top of your pancakes.
I am not sure if this is the actual way it's made but it tasted amazing so i am okay with it.
here's what everything looked like.

I will give credit where it's due so that no one comes after me.
so here goes, the scrambled egg in the picture above was made by kaustubh.

My day took a very sharp turn after this heavy breakfast, the weirdest thing happened which i had hoped and prayed would never happen again but it did. I took a solid one hour nap. 
Best nap ever. Although i did woke up way before i was supposed to because of my dumbass dog 
kept barking.

The majority of my day was spent editing and posting on instagram. 
Now because i am trying to make some money while creating videos i decided i shall leave no stone un-turned which usually in the realm of social media means that i will have to expand my horizon to every possible social media place and keep posting/ marketing my content and let the world know that my content an I exist. A very vain thing but also the most important aspect of trying to make money on social media.

So if you don't yet follow me on my Instagram then go ahead follow me @rasiikaaa
Help your girl out to be financially independent!
You can also help me by sharing our videos with your family and friends. Your tiny gesture will mean a lot and help me grow more. 

I have been editing our new video for the past 2 days and did some final changes today. The video will be up by the time you read this so if you have 5 minutes to spare you should go check out that video where i show exactly what we do every morning. Everything that i have been talking about on this blog in a much more aesthetic way with no typos :D

here is the link to our channel

I am going to stop here because i have to go visit my parents before the lockdown is imposed again.

Hope you had a good day today.

take care.


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