Two years back i saw a Lily colins and Keanu Reeves starer movie called "TO THE BONES" 
The plot is about this anorexic girl and her journey. The movie did not get much of a good review but this one scene of the movie in particular hit me hard. It's a scene where the anorexic girl has a dream where she sees herself from afar,  the state she is in and only when she saw it herself, she realized that she can not continue living her life like that and She decided to change her life for the better.
I was at a very emotionally low point  when i saw this movie and this scene gave me a better perspective on life and my problem.
And i truly believe that no matter how many self help books you read or how many podcasts you listen to if it isn't coming from your own heart you won't be able to sustain through the journey you start.
Mid 2019 is the period when kaustubh and I started making videos with an aim of documenting our life. We knew that this could be later on monetized which is always a cherry on top. We put our heart and soul in it and made videos and did things that we truly love and we got a fairly good response.
Sometimes when you don't see the inflow of money you get discouraged and that is exactly what happened with me. 
I did not consider this as full time job and we're in the year 2020 where youtubing is a real job.

This week of waking up early gave me the time and fresh mind to think about it in a different light. 
We both made a decision to not waste our time making excuses but to dive right into it and give it our 100%
If you are someone who is considering taking social media as a full time gig then know that you need to have a tonne of patience.
It took us 6 months of hard work of making videos and editing them to reach to our first goal.
And the journey has just begun. 
Don't ever let what others are doing affect your journey. I let that happen and it disturbed my peace of mind. Work at your pace and that is when you will excel. ( Did not intend to make it rhyme but it did so its a sign from the lord almighty of social media)

Coming back to waking up at 5 am, 
Saturday night is our designated movie night. So we planned to walk in the evening the next day because we did not want to wake up early on sunday. We spent a huge chunk of sunday with the family. Talked about everything under the sun. Laughed at and with each other. 
Talked kaustubh's cousin into walking with us and it was the best feeling knowing that she wanted to get her health back on track. Later in the evening we went for a long walk while kaustubh ran.

Today we started our walk a little later than usual but it's okay. We showed up and the universe appreciates that more than anything.
Walked for a solid hour while talking and discussing about how people should adapt to a healthy lifestyle and just random topics in general.
It felt good. It's always so peaceful in the morning apart from the part where i have to pull wrin from running towards the other dogs. ( Wrin should learn that not everyone is friendly!)
kaustubh and his friend jogged the entire time and made wrin run too. 

Since we have been taking wrin with us for walks we have noticed a sudden change in his behavior, he usually sits with us in the kitchen no matter how late in the night it is but for the past couple of days he heads back up to the room as soon as we're done with dinner. 
Its the funniest thing ever. He gets so tired and sleepy by 10 pm that he has zero patience to wait for us.

We drank a lot of water after coming back home. we have these huge bottles that i feel is the best thing we bought. we all have one of these chunky bottle at our house. Some times when we get bored we switch things up and put lemon, mint and cucumber in it and call it detox water :D 

If you ever want to up your water intake you should definitely invest in one of these and if you happen to live in Nagpur then you know of this store called LOFA. You can get these from that store.
10/10 would recommend buying these bottles.
here is a link to a similar bottle that you can get if you want to track you water intake

I would like to talk about how i have been able to keep up with this 30 days blogging challenge and my secret is that i have promised myself to get a new plant and the this fancy ass plant based milk that i saw at the supermarket. Every time i go to that supermarket or a nursery i tell myself that i will only get it when i deserve it. Which surprising has kept me going on. 
And to be honest i love it when i get up and have healthy things. It gives me a sense of accomplishment of doing good for my gut and skin.

Today is going to be a good good day. I know this because I started it on the best note possible and I am writing this blog at 10:19 am which means that i haven't slept after having breakfast. 
Things change. We learn and adapt.
and listen if i can do this so can you. you just got to figure out what you want to wake up for and then keep doing it.

I am going to freshen up and start completing all the tasks i have set for the day. 
what have you planned of the day? I would love to know your goals. 
Hope you're doing well and Have a nice day :)


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