I am not here to tell you that you should wake up early because if you've read any of my past blogs you know i am the worst at waking up early. And to be honest i did consider waking up for a week or so to be able to write down my experience in one blog but i am very sure i wont remember a thing so I settled for writing a blog of my daily experience of waking up at 5 am and what comes after.

Kaustubh and I and a friend of ours have been going out to run ( I walk mostly) every day. I joined these two a little late in their challenge but we decided to challenge ourselves to run for 21 days. I am not sure why the challenge is specifically for 21 days you can contact our friend Anirudha for more details he runs a gym called Ultra Fit in Nagpur,u here is the link to his website and all his social media details can be found there

Yesterday we didn't wake up early so we went for an evening run and we unanimously decided that morning runs are way better because there are less people on the streets, no traffic, and fresher air.
So we decided to wake up 5 am and see how that works.
Listen, I really don't have an issue with the waking up early part, it's the sleeping on time in the night that I seem to never achieve. As per usual i slept around 2 ish am so naturally when the alarm went off i was very tempted to not leave my warm cozy bed that ever so gently hugged me almost as if it didn't want me to wake up from it's embrace.
After a couple of tugs from kaustubh i gave in and got out of bed, put on my workout clothes and stepped out.

Now here comes another hurdle that we both have to pass every morning. We have 2 dogs who get very excited when we step out and would probably follow us to the moon and back if we let them.
So every morning we have to tackle them both and keep them inside the house so that they won't follow us whenever we go.

It is said that if you reward yourself after doing things that you plan to achieve, it could be a smallest goal you set, your mind wires itself to do it more often. There is whole lot of science behind the positive reward theory which i won't get into.
So while we were walking i realized that the only thing that i can trick myself into believing is a positive reward of waking up so early is the morning sky, the peaceful silence and the feeling you get knowing that you are ahead of everyone and the most important one is i can walk and talk to kaustubh for a solid hour before we disperse into our daily routine and start working.
Don't get me wrong we talk all day long, we spend all day together and i am blessed to have a partner whose work schedule is such that he can spend time with his family a lot more than what a person who works in a 9 to 5 job can and i am truly grateful for that but having a peaceful conversation in the morning hits different.
AND before i forget the dogs!.oh my god believe me you, if you wake up early and go for a walk you will meet the cutest puppers.

For our first day waking up at 5 am we walked a lot. we walked for 2 hours straight. Talking along the way.
Saw some beautiful properties. We both love looking at properties with huge back yards and imagine how many dogs we can have if we lived in a house like this.
We all love doing a certain thing that spark joy within us. Some people like cleaning their environment, some find joy in cooking and freaks like kaustubh and I enjoy marveling at houses, thinking about our future, planning to cook something together, having a cup of coffee together and a lot of other things.
Our friend asked me a very genuine question as to why looking at houses doesn't spark joy within him and it made me think about it.
And I came to a conclusion that we all have different goals in life, some want a big house, some want to climb the ladder of success so that they can retire early and live peacefully.
We all have unique set of goals that we want to achieve and dreaming about them, imagining ourselves achieving those goals also makes us happy. Wanting to buy a certain thing or owning a certain amount of money before you retire does not make you a materialistic person, it just makes you, you! So for you all who are reading this if something that sparks joy in someone else doesn't to spark joy in you its probably because you have different goals and it's normal. Whats not normal is that i have to spell it out here. Its okay to have different aims and dreams in life.
And I think it's the most intriguing thing about us as humans. We dream in our own unique way.

Let's just say the 2 hours that i spent earlier today left me wanting more. More beautiful morning sky, more conversations, more marveling at how peaceful the world looks before everyone is up.
When we got back home we made breakfast, spent some time with our parents while having our morning drinks.
After an hour or so I went back to sleep which turned out to be my biggest mistake. You didn't expect this did you? :D
Every time you try something new, more often than not you fail or make a mistake in your pursuit of learning something new. You make mistakes and then You live and you learn.

What did you do today?
How did you spend your morning ?
Comment down below i would love to know.

Also here's a tiny video i posted today morning.
you can find more such stories on my instagram @rasiikaaa


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