Hello, fellow humans. 
I feel like i know you mostly because I was you. This person who was always insecure about her acne and if not acne then her complexion. but lets focus on acne and the bag full of insecurities it brings with itself.
This isn't a blog where i am going to tell you about how to get rid of your acne because damn it i am 27 yo and i still have them, sometimes they come in a group and sometimes like a lone ranger all set to take a jab at my confidence and self esteem. 
Its a freaking annoying thing giving it a free ride on my face. God knows they've been with me for a long while and its a part of my personality now so it only makes sense to give it a name and be respectful about it's presence in my life.
So let me introduce you to Peter, the pimple.
Peter loves my face because i am a good host. I give him huge open pores to set his roots in and i eat a lot of junk to feed him, and lets not forget my stress levels and hormonal imbalance only help him thrive on my skin. 
My mother has been blessed with flawless skin so did my grandmother so you see they couldn't ever fully help me with this because they didn't know anything about acne products. They did recommend homemade masks and asked me to use natural stuff but i was a teenager and i needed a quick fix for this tragedy that had descended onto my face. 
and just when i needed the most my dear friend Shravani introduced me to patanjali's aloe Vera gel. (Hate everything they do and all their products but i am head over heels for this product)
And i went crazy, i used to slather that product on my face like there was no tomorrow. My pimple did seem to go away with it and it also somehow lightened my complexion ( which was a plus because i tan very easily). 
 but peter seemed to have fallen for me because he stayed. I used random things on him and he still stayed. I tried to dry him up  by using toothpastes and he still stayed. 
The longest relationship i have ever been in has to be with him. 
Oh how he loved me even when i hated him. 
He's a good chap though.
Over the years i have learned a lot of new things about him and people who see you with him.
People have this knack of focusing on your pimple.The pimple on your nose catches their eye before your beautiful smile does. 
 A couple of years ago i learned about face mapping. It is essentially a map of your face and it shows why you get pimple on a certain spot on your face. for example if you get it on your cheek its because your gut isn't clean and you need to work on that to get rid of your cheek acne.
You see , I thought that was the most genius thing ever but as i grew older, I realized that there are many more factors that come in play like your age, hormonal imbalance, stress, periods, a lot of other things.
There were times when i got so annoyed about peter and his existence. But then i would rationalize it by thinking about what i have been eating lately or have i been stressed about certain things that are happening in my life. That would help me slow down and just be and not look a quick fix so desperately. 
I've practically used all the products that are out there but none of them help you in learning how to be okay with it, they just help you to feel bad about it. bad about having them and then about spending money on so many products when they eventually don't work for you. Don't get me wrong there are good products out there in the market but i just have come to a conclusion that they wont work if you don't work with them. You can't expect to have a strong core and abs only by sitting on a yoga mat, can you?
Acne has always been portrayed in a way that if  you have it then you can't go on that special date or you won't be comfortable and confident enough to pull of that interview which in reality is not true at all.
Acne does not in any way make you less confident, less beautiful or less attractive.
I hate it when people instantly want to help you with getting rid of your acne.
But part of the problem is in us too, we're so insecure about having acne that we forget that we are beautiful. And we let that insecurity get the best of us. 
I know now that no matter what pills we take or cream we apply the problem we have is rooted deep deep within our gut! : D 
You didn't see that coming, did you?
It is the truest and most helpful thing I have learned. 
Clean your insides before you even think about getting any pills and creams for peter and trust me your body will thank you for it.
Don't worry I am no better than you i haven't followed my own advice, I did not claim to be perfect, did I?
I am just here to tell you that it's okay to have acne but its not acceptable for you to fall prey to all the marketing gimmick and buy stuff you don't need and stuff that wont work for your acne.
There is no quick solution to anything in life. and yet we all want a clean face so badly as if having peter in our life is the only thing that is holding us back from shining and being our beautiful self. 
Its funny, isn't it? 
I am on my way to drink lots of water and stay hydrated and clean my gut to get rid of peter.
Peter will leave but even if he does decide to show up again, i'll be okay with it. what about you?
and here is a list of  things you should always remember :
  • You are beautiful. Period.
  • Acne is directly correlated to the stress in your life so you should give yourself a little break and breathe before giving away your money to anti acne products companies
  • Don't touch your face. JUST DON'T. STOP IT.
  • Clean your phone screen. Don't touch your precious face with that dirty screen!
  • Don't hide your acne with a bunch of make-up, it will only make it worse.
  • Stay away from sugar, and processed food.
There much more where this came from but for now lets call it here.
Comment down below your most expensive anti acne product purchase that you knew would help you get rid of acne for good but didn't, i'd love to know :D
Also, here is a photo of me and peter together.


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