I am writing this blog at 11 PM which is a huge symbol of how waking up at 5 am is going for me. Just kidding, Its not half as bad I thought it would be.
But i am still struggling with the sleeping part and surprisingly enough i got up today way before my alarm went off. That could totally be because Wrin kept barking around 3 AM.

Today instead of fighting our second hurdle ( If you don't know about the hurdles we have to go through before going out in the morning then you should read my previous blog before starting this one)
here is the link
we took wrin with us.
Needless to say we weren't prepared for what was about to come our way.
There are roughly about 10 dogs on the route we take every morning which means we had to tackle all of them twice while going on the walk and while coming back to our home.
And all we had was a huge stick to try and scare them away ( FYI a stick in the hand works)

I intentionally kept my phone at home because i wanted to stay away from all the distractions and just be there in the moment. (I missed out on clicking beautiful pictures of the sky for you all so apologies for that)
It was quite pleasant outside. Birds were chirping, tress were looking fresh as heck, People were walking, our dog was pulling me hard and trying to make me run!
So on the walks kaustubh and our friend usually start running half way through because you see they took the 21 day running challenge seriously and when they told me about it all i heard was 21 days challenge. I guess you can say I've challenged myself to wake up at 5 am for 21 days, don't worry i won't blog all 21 days just a week or so because the content might just get monotonous.
Getting back to the point so when kaustubh started running wrin literally lost his mind and started pulling me and had he pulled any harder i would've had to run with him.
When things were getting out of control i just screamed for help and kaustubh had to stop his run midway.
We didn't walk that far today so we were on our way back by 6:20-7 ish i think but on our way back wrin made some new friends.
The thing with wrin is he is a friendly dog but he gets very very anxious in front of other dogs and out of fear that other dogs might attack him we try and keep him away but today we just stayed and let him do his thing ( mostly because both the parties were wagging their tail to their max potential so we took that as a positive sign)

I am not a breakfast person unless you're taking me to my favorite South Indian restaurant but i was very very excited for the breakfast i had planned to make today with the leftovers.
It was the most rewarding thing ever. I don'y usually get to watch more than one episode of any series at night but today morning we had enough time to spare so we just made breakfast and watched an entire episode of " That 70's show"

On a different note i did end up sleeping for some time again after having breakfast and Got super pissed at myself but then i told myself that it's okay because i got a lot done after waking up.
I usually miss laundry time and have lunch real late but i hit laundry time today and had lunch on time too! and in my book that's a win.
Tomorrow is a big day, kaustubh and I have planned to shoot a video. It's been a very long time since we shot our last video. I will let you know how that goes. :)

Make mistakes and be ready to learn from them and change for the better.
Beating yourself up won't yield any positive results.
It will just strengthen the toxic relationship between you and your inner self.

Hope you all are challenging yourself to do something new and becoming the better version of yourself.
If you are trying to build a new habit or hobby or anything new in your life do let me know in the comments down below. I would love to know :)

Also you can find me on instagram @rasiikaaa


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